“…Included was one death following a secondary operation, resulting in a reoperative mortalig~ rate of 1.4%. Primao~ operations performed in thc authors' total experience included autogcnous saphcnous vein graf~s originating from the aorta or iliac vcsscls (278), similarly placed prosthetic grafts (88), ncphrectomy (27, including 18 tbr advanced parcnchvmal disease), resection and reanastomosis of thc involved vessel or anastomosis of it to an adjacent renal artery (15), local angioplast T (14), endartcrectomy (11), resection and aortic rcimplantation of the renal arteD' (7), dilation (7), autogenous iliac artery aortorenal grafts (5), splcnorenal bypass (1), and renal arteD, exploration without dircct rcconstruction (2). Excluded from this review were reoperations following reconstructive surgery pcrfbrmed for renal arteD, dissections, traumatic rcnal artery lesions, aneuusms unassociated with stenotic disease, and renal arteriovenous fistulas or mallbrmations.…”