Failure in drug therapy can cause damage to the patient's health, becoming a real public health problem. The aim of this study was to evaluate a prevalence of DRP in patients of the Integrated Health Center of the University Anhembi Morumbi, São Paulo, Brazil. Medical records of twenty-eight patients were assessed using the Dáder Method from March to September 2019. Gender, age, weight, height, lifestyle and drug therapy were used to profile these patients. The highest concentration of patients aged 54 to 78 years old and the gender profile was 85.2% female and 14.8% male. The proportional ratio was verified when evaluating the profiles of the patients with some report of DRP being, 78.6% female and 21.4% male. The greatest number of prescriptions were observed in neurology and rheumatology, being 50.0% prescriptions of neurology and 32.0% of rheumatology. The specialties with more prescriptions with any identified DRP, with 21.4% were neurology and rheumatology. The DRP1 was the most recurrent in the prescriptions evaluated, followed by DRP5 and DRP6, followed by general practitioner. Further studies are needed to assist in the development of new instruments for the classification and prevention of risks related to medicines, especially in places where there is no pharmacotherapeutic segment, an important practice in reducing medication errors