Continue on reverie side If necessary and identify by block nuhb.r) :-This research investigates the estimation of the source time parameters of .-of undergrou-td nuclear explosions from the waveforms of short-period teleseismic P-waves. In the simplest consideration, and when the source yield is unconstrained, there are only three source parameters, two that describe the source time function and one for the delay time of the (p)P phase. There are, of course, indications that the (p)P arrival may not have the same amplitude or shape as the direct P arrival, presumably due to anelastic or nonlinear effects OD , ,% 1473 EDITION OF I NOV65 IS OB 'D E-E UNCLASSIFLEs SEC-. A-SECURITY CLASfSIIICATION OF THIS PAGE(II7, hent Enf'red) between tile shot point and thle surface. Thus, we will also consider the effect on the waveforms of a decreased (p)P amplitude. Another parameter :.7b which has a significant influence upon the observed waveforms; is t (t travel time/Q(av). Accordingly, the variation in the source parameter estimates due to a varying t will also be addressed.