Sublethal dose effect of imidacloprid on the survival of brown planthoppers on resistant and susceptible rice varieties.Imidacloprid insecticides and resistant rice varieties are commonly used to control the the rice brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens in the field. The aim of this research was to evaluate the resistance of N. lugens to imidacloprid and the influence of sublethal dose of the insecticide applied to a certain resistant rice varieties on the survival of BPH. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse trial at Indonesian Center for Rice Research, Sukamandi, West Java. Each pair of adult BPH were infested on three rice varieties Ciherang, Inpari 13, and Pelita, and then followed by spraying five doses of imidacloprid. The the effective dose rate of imidacloprid on BPH was determined by the value of LD 95 compared with the recommended dose (20 g a.i. ha -1 ). The nymphal survival was concidered as a result of the applied sublethal doses. The numbers of nymphal progenies were observed until two peaks populations of both first and second generations. The insecticide then was applied at LD 50 dose equivalent on adult BPH of the second generation. The number of laid eggs and the abnormal egg shapes were counted. Imidacloprid doses that were unefffective against BPH showed by the values of LD 95 were 1224.3, 2799.0, dan 4692.8 g a.i. ha -1 at Ciherang, Inpari 13 dan Pelita rice varieties, respectively. Seven days after application of imidacoprid, about 70-90% of adult BPH still survived. Sublethal dosages of imidacloprid tended to increase the survival of BPH on a resistant rice variety of Inpari 13, as reflected by the number of nymphal progeny of 156-169 BPH/plant at the first population peak. Imidacloprid treatment increased the number of laid egg, but had no effect on the egg sterility.Key words: effectiveness, Nilaparvata lugens, oviposition, population survival ABSTRAK Pengaruh dosis subletal imidakloprid terhadap kesintasan populasi wereng coklat pada varietas padi rentan dan tahan. Insektisida imidakloprid dan varietas padi tahan wereng sering digunakan untuk mengendalikan populasi hama wereng batang coklat (WBC) Nilaparvata lugens di lapangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji tingkat ketahanan WBC terhadap insektisida imidakloprid dan pengaruh dosis subletal terhadap sintasan populasi WBC pada varietas padi yang telah diketahui tipe ketahanannya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di rumah kaca Pusat Penelitian Padi Indonesia, Sukamandi. Sepasang imago WBC diinfestasikan pada tiga varietas padi (Ciherang, Inpari 13, dan Pelita), kemudian diberi lima dosis perlakuan imidakloprid. Keefektifan imidakloprid terhadap WBC ditentukan dari nilai LD 95 relatif terhadap dosis anjuran penggunan di lapangan 20 g b.a./ha. Nimfa yang lolos hidup dari pengujian ini dianggap sebagai perlakuan dosis subletal pada pengujian selanjutnya. Jumlah nimfa diamati hingga dua puncak populasi generasi ke-1 dan ke-2. Dosis perlakuan LD 50 diujikan kembali pada imago WBC generasi ke-2. Jumlah telur yang diletakkan dan ...