ABSTRACT:Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in red wine and certain foods, has been touted as a natural way to slow aging and fight cancer, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. It also could be accounted as an agent, which has effects to reduced risk of inflammation and blood clotting. In addition there are some studies showing that resveratrol may actually reduce the positive effect of exercise on the heart in older men, but it's important to know that its effects only last a short time after drinking red wine. As promising as it sounds, it is not yet established how resveratrol affects humans, since most studies have been conducted on animals and microbes. Because the information on resveratrol, presented in literature, pointing its health and adverse effects is full with contradictions, especially with respect to the human response, we tried to present the available information with minimal commentary, remaining as neutral as possible and allowing the reader to draw its own conclusion on recommendation of the wide increase usage of resveratrol and a prematurity of such a decision.