to or clout in the electoral process regularly turn to the courts to lobby for or redress their grievances (e.g., [8]). Aboriginal or indigenous groups have lobbied for selfdetermination in their lives (e.g., [9]). In some instances, aboriginal or indigenous groups have retained some semblance of tribal sovereignty. What is more, minorities on college campuses sometimes fear to speak or reveal their true identities now have "safe spaces" (e.g., [10]).It becomes increasingly apparent that the study of minorities continues to evolve as we try to unearth the different meanings of minorities, and the myriad of ways that minorities are mistreated. Minorities face explicit and implicit discriminatory behavior in virtually all areas of life. Systemic and systematic discrimination and marginalization of minorities take many forms. Research in STEM, Business, Social Sciences, and the Humanities explore minority oppression and marginalization. Additionally, scholars use qualitative and quantitative methodologies to examine majority oppression of minority groups.