One of the principal components of mass exchange within the soil−plant−atmosphere system is soil water extrac on by plant roots. Adequate evalua on of water extrac on is a prerequisite for correct predic ons of plant transpira on and soil water distribu on in the root zone. The main objec ve of the present study is to contribute to the development of suffi ciently realis c, yet algorithmically simple models of water exchange between soil and plant roots applicable for numerical simula on of soil water responses to atmospheric forcing. In our case, a simple macroscopic, ver cally distributed plant root water uptake approxima on based on a tradi onal water-poten al-gradient (WPG) formula on was adopted and implemented in a one-dimensional dual-con nuum model of soil water fl ow based on the Richards' equa on. This combined model was used to simulate soil water movement at a forested site. The results were compared with observa ons (sap fl ow, soil water pressure, and soil water content) as well as with simula ons produced using the standard semi-empirical model of Feddes. Principal aspects of the WPG predic on, such as root-mediated soil water redistribu on, compensa on for local water scarcity, and transpira on reduc on, are exposed and discussed.Abbrevia ons: HFD, heat fi eld deforma on; RWU, root water uptake; SPA, soil−plant−atmosphere; WPG, water-poten al-gradient.