Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is widely used for characterizing multiple samples of complex mixtures with similar compositions. This article addresses a data acquisition strategy for collecting a maximal number of unique, high-quality MS/MS during LC-MS/MS analysis of multiple samples. Based on the concept that a component only needs to be identified once when analyzing multiple samples with similar compositions, an automated intersample data-dependent acquisition strategy was developed. The strategy is based on precursor ion exclusion (PIE) and is implemented in MassAnalyzer in an automated fashion for Thermo Scientific (San Jose, CA, USA) mass spectrometers. In this method, MassAnalyzer submits one sample at a time to the sample queue. After data acquisition of each sample, MassAnalyzer automatically analyzes the data to generate a PIE list based on the MS/MS precursor ions, merges this list with the list generated from previous runs, adds the list to the MS method file, and submits the next sample to the queue. The PIE list contains both m/z value and time window for each precursor ion, and is generated intelligently so that if an MS/MS is insufficient for identifying the peak of interest, it will be collected again near the top of the peak in the next run. Therefore, the strategy maximizes both quality and the number of unique MS/MS. When automated PIE was used to acquire LC-MS/MS data of an antibody tryptic digest and a soy hydrolysate sample, the number of identified ions increased by 52 % and 93 %, respectively, compared with data acquired without using PIE.