In the era of data-intensive computing, large-scale applications, in both scienti c and the BigData communities, demonstrate unique I/O requirements leading to a proliferation of di erent storage devices and so ware stacks, many of which have con icting requirements. In this paper, we investigate how to support a wide variety of con icting I/O workloads under a single storage system. We introduce the idea of a Label, a new data representation, and, we present LABIOS: a new, distributed, Label-based I/O system. LABIOS boosts I/O performance by up to 17x via asynchronous I/O, supports heterogeneous storage resources, o ers storage elasticity, and promotes in-situ analytics via data provisioning. LABIOS demonstrates the e ectiveness of storage bridging to support the convergence of HPC and BigData workloads on a single platform. CCS CONCEPTS •Information systems → Distributed storage; Hierarchical storage management; Storage power management; •Computer systems organization → Distributed architectures; Data ow architectures; Heterogeneous (hybrid) systems;