This book is dedicated to my parents who always encouraged me to achieve my dreams through my own persistence and dedication.I also want to thank my dearest friends and family who always supported and helped me through this journey. First of all, Nadine, and Byron, thank you for being my trustees in life! You stayed with me throughout this journey from start to finish, and I am so very grateful to you two for that! Lisa, Cosima, Nicole, Johannes, and Chris, thank you 9 for your friendship and support, even if it is at a distance! Mum and Dad, thank you for being such loving and encouraging parents who always provided me with the freedom to pursue my dreams. Also, I would like to thank the rest of my family and my future family in law, who always supported me in what I did and believed in me. And finally, I would like to thank my fiancé Koen. You are the gift that my PhD journey brought me! Meeting you changed my life completely. You always believed in me and supported me. You stood by me during the Corona time and cheered me up when I needed it most. Thank you so much for being there for me! I love you!