The aim of this study was to report a case of Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) in a Poodle dog. A female canine Poodle, approximately 12 years old, was treated. According to the report of her guardian, the animal had been presenting visual difficulties for some months. Ophthalmologic examination revealed bilateral mydriasis, positive palpebral reflex, glare reflex, negative direct and consensual pupillary reflexes, and absence of response to threat. In the evaluation of the posterior segment, absence of retinal vascularization was noted, as well as hyperreflective spots in the tapetal region and depigmentation of the non-tapetal region, both bilateral. In the "maze test" in light and dark rooms, the patient collided with objects and was diagnosed with advanced stage RPA. As it is a hereditary and degenerative ophthalmopathy, with no specific treatment, periodic evaluations were recommended in order to monitor the progression of the disease, in addition to ruling out possible future changes. It is essential that these animals are removed from breeding programs, since clinical manifestations will occur only as adults and, probably, new offspring will have already been generated.