This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a new antifungal drug, micafungin, and standard antifungal drugs against endophthalmitis induced in a rabbit by intravitreal injection of Aspergillus fumigatus, an important fungal pathogen. Effectiveness was evaluated by the preservation of b-wave amplitude at 72 h after injection of the fungus relative to the b-wave amplitude at baseline before any intravitreal injections. A 0.06 ml inoculum of 10(6) conidia of A. fumigatus was injected into the vitreous of the right eye of all rabbits; and, 12 h later, a 0.06 ml solution containing one of 3 antifungal drugs or saline was injected into the vitreous of both eyes. All three antifungal drugs produced significant b-wave preservation at 72 h in infected eyes compared to that in infected eyes receiving saline injections. There was no statistically significant difference between the effects of micafungin and amphotericin B in the right eyes with fungal endophthalmitis, and both produced significantly more preservation of b-wave amplitude than voriconazole. Amphotericin B, but neither micafungin nor voriconazole produced significant reduction of the b-wave amplitude in the left eyes.