Vertebrate hearing and balance are based in complex asymmetries of inner ear structure. Here, we identify retinoic acid (RA) as an extrinsic signal that acts directly on the ear rudiment to affect its compartmentalization along the anterior-posterior axis. A rostrocaudal wave of RA activity, generated by tissues surrounding the nascent ear, induces distinct responses from anterior and posterior halves of the inner ear rudiment. Prolonged response to RA by posterior otic tissue correlates with Tbx1 transcription and formation of mostly nonsensory inner ear structures. By contrast, anterior otic tissue displays only a brief response to RA and forms neuronal elements and most sensory structures of the inner ear.axial specification | developmental compartments | morphogen N ormal hearing and balance require that discrete patches of mechanosensory hair cells, each with a distinct function, be precisely positioned within the asymmetric membranous labyrinth of the inner ear (Fig. 1A). Five vestibular sensory patches are present in all vertebrate inner ears: the three cristae (anterior, lateral, and posterior) that detect angular head movements and two maculae (utricle and saccule) that detect linear acceleration. The specialized organ for detecting sound in chickens and mammals is the basilar papilla and organ of Corti, respectively.The entire membranous labyrinth and its innervating neurons are derived from an ectodermal thickening adjacent to the hindbrain known as the otic placode. As the placode deepens to form a cup and then pinches off to form the otocyst, some cells of the otic epithelium delaminate to form neuroblasts of the cochleovestibular ganglion (CVG). Inner ear sensory organs, and the neurons that innervate them, are thought to arise from a neural-sensory competent domain (NSD), most of which is located in the anterior region of the otic cup (1). By contrast, posterior otic epithelium forms nonsensory tissues and only one sensory organ, the posterior crista. This basic organization of functional elements in the ear is thought to be governed by signals emanating from adjacent tissues (2, 3); however, molecular mechanisms that establish the initial anterior-posterior (A-P) asymmetry of the ear primordium are poorly defined. Here, we show that a rostrocaudal wave of retinoic acid activity provides signals to the ear rudiment and establishes structural asymmetries required for normal hearing and balance.
ResultsEctoderm Adjacent to the Otic Cup Confers A-P Polarity to the Otocyst. A clear manifestation of A-P asymmetry in developing amniote ears is the anterior expression of transcripts associated with cochleovestibular ganglion neurogenesis. We performed tissue transplantations in ovo to identify source(s) of signals that specify the otic A-P axis in the chicken. Transplantations were carried out at the otic cup stage (11-15 somite stages), before the otic A-P axis is specified (4). As expected, reversing the A-P orientation of the otic cup alone resulted in a high occurrence of otocysts with the axial plan...