Pathological angiogenesis, as seen in many inflammatory, immune, malignant, and ischemic disorders, remains an immense health burden despite new molecular therapies. It is likely that further therapeutic progress requires a better understanding of neovascular pathophysiology. Surprisingly, even though transmembrane voltage is well known to regulate vascular function, no previous bioelectric analysis of pathological angiogenesis has been reported. Using the perforated-patch technique to measure vascular voltages in human retinal neovascular specimens and rodent models of retinal neovascularization, we discovered that pathological neovessels generate extraordinarily high voltage. Electrophysiological experiments demonstrated that voltage from aberrantly located preretinal neovascular complexes is transmitted into the intraretinal vascular network. With extensive neovascularization, this voltage input is substantial and boosts the membrane potential of intraretinal blood vessels to a suprahyperpolarized level. Coincident with this suprahyperpolarization, the vasomotor response to hypoxia is fundamentally altered. Instead of the compensatory dilation observed in the normal retina, arterioles constrict in response to an oxygen deficiency. This anomalous vasoconstriction, which would potentiate hypoxia, raises the possibility that the bioelectric impact of neovascularization on vascular function is a previously unappreciated pathophysiological mechanism to sustain hypoxia-driven angiogenesis.neovascularization | proliferative retinopathy | retinopathy of prematurity | proliferative diabetic retinopathy | retina T he abnormal growth of blood vessels is a key pathophysiological feature of numerous disorders, including tumorigenesis, arthritis, endometriosis, and retinopathies. Despite substantial progress from studies of patients and animal models, abnormal neovascularization remains a common threat to health and wellbeing. To help address this challenge, we devised a unique experimental approach to better understand neovascular pathophysiology. Because almost nothing is known about the electrogenic profile of neovascular complexes and how these complexes functionally interact with their parent vessels, we focused on the bioelectric features of neovascularization. These gaps in knowledge are surprising, considering that it is well established that the transmembrane voltage of vascular cells (1), as well as electrotonic cell-cell interactions within a vascular network (2-4), play vital roles in regulating blood flow.In this electrophysiological analysis of pathological angiogenesis, we focused on abnormal vasoproliferation in rodent and human retinas. For multiple reasons, the retina is an ideal tissue for this undertaking. First is its clinical importance. Retinal vasoproliferation is the major cause of blindness in prematurely born infants (retinopathy of prematurity) and persons with diabetes (proliferative diabetic retinopathy) and sickle cell disease (sickle cell retinopathy). The hallmark of these disorders is abno...