Tokamak is an important device for controlled nuclear fusion research. The plasma electronic density control system (PEDCS) is an important system for controlling the Tokamak discharge process, which should be of high stability, rapidity, and accuracy. Gas seeding systems are widely used in many Tokamak devices to achieve plasma electronic density control. According to the mechanism model analysis for the plasma electronic density object, an adapted single neuron proportion integration differentiation (PID) control algorithm with the radial basis function (RBF) neural network tuning is studied. The principle and the implementation of the intelligent control algorithm are described in detail in this paper. The intelligent controller enables the system to optimize the PID parameters online according to the density state in the discharge process. The experimental results show that the adapted algorithm achieves a good control effect and also improves the control performance. The proposed method provides a useful reference for Tokamak devices and other similar control systems.