Every year, death toll and severe injuries are caused by road accidents, and each year this number is growing swiftly. The road accident report for 2017-2018 reveals there were 4.6 lakh unfortunate incidences of road accidents [MORTH]. The key reasons of road accidents in India is drunk and drive, weather conditions, rash driving, overtaking, hairpin bend, road humps, etc. This complication will be solved up to some extent by diminishing strategies based on Intelligent Transport System (ITS). ITS is an advanced technology of telecommunication, information, sensing, and detecting, in all kinds of the transportation system. The project aims to prevent road accidents especially, concentrating on Decision making by a driver to overtake. To overcome these scenarios we propose a system that uses a sensor, LED lights, LED display, etc. This help in ensuring safe mobility and conveyance for providing smart traffic and transportation management.