An investigation has been carried out on the spin phonon coupling in a series of isostructural polycrystalline orthorhombic (Space group Pnma) compounds HoFe1−XMnXO3 (x ⩽ 0.6) exhibiting spin reorientation below Néel temperature (TN), using magnetization, neutron diffraction, and Raman scattering techniques. Mn doping leads to an anomalous increase in the spin reorientation temperature (TSR), shifting it close to room temperature from TSR ~ 60 K for x = 0 sample, and concomitant lowering of TN. The TSR is absent in samples for x ⩾ 0.5. The magnetic structure undergoes a transition at TSR from Γ4 → Γ1 in the Mn doped compounds as against Γ4 → Γ2 observed in HoFeO3 sample. In the region T < TN an anomalous softening of Raman phonon modes viz., B2g(5) and B3g(3), identified with the stretching motion and breathing mode, respectively, of Fe/Mn–O6 octahedra, is observed in compounds exhibiting spin-reorientation behaviour, indicating a spin-phonon coupling in these compounds. A quadratic correlation between the deviation of phonon frequency and variation of antiferromagnetic moment (Δω M2) is observed in these compounds. The temperature evolution of the M2+ mode obtained from the analysis of neutron diffraction data based on symmetry adapted mode decomposition of the Pnma structure further corroborates the mode softening observation.