DOI: 10.1177/1729881420909965
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RETRACTED: Design of basketball robot based on behavior-based fuzzy control

Abstract: Aiming at the strong dependence on environmental information in traditional algorithms, the path planning of basketball robots in an unknown environment, and improving the safety of autonomous navigation, this article proposes a path planning algorithm based on behavior-based module control. In this article, fuzzy control theory is applied to the behavior control structure, and these two path planning algorithms are combined to solve the path planning problem of basketball robots in an unknown environment. Fir… Show more

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Cited by 5 publications
(6 citation statements)
References 26 publications
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“…They applied the fuzzy control theory to behavior control structures and combined these two path planning algorithms to solve the path planning problem of basketball robots in unknown environments. The results show that the basketball robot can overcome the uncertainty in the environment and effectively achieve good path planning, which verifies the feasibility of the fuzzy control algorithm and the validity and correctness of the path planning strategy (Zhi and Jiang, 2020). Cox et al (2021) built a generic controller for regulating the motion of an inertiadriven jumping robot.…”
Section: Related Research Analysismentioning
confidence: 71%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…They applied the fuzzy control theory to behavior control structures and combined these two path planning algorithms to solve the path planning problem of basketball robots in unknown environments. The results show that the basketball robot can overcome the uncertainty in the environment and effectively achieve good path planning, which verifies the feasibility of the fuzzy control algorithm and the validity and correctness of the path planning strategy (Zhi and Jiang, 2020). Cox et al (2021) built a generic controller for regulating the motion of an inertiadriven jumping robot.…”
Section: Related Research Analysismentioning
confidence: 71%
“…The application of this algorithm can effectively prevent sports injuries in basketball (Xu and Tang, 2021 ). Zhi and Jiang ( 2020 ) proposed a path planning algorithm based on behavioral module control, aiming at problems, such as the strong dependence of traditional algorithms on environmental information, the path planning of basketball robots in unknown environments, and the improvement of autonomous navigation safety. They applied the fuzzy control theory to behavior control structures and combined these two path planning algorithms to solve the path planning problem of basketball robots in unknown environments.…”
Section: Literature Reviewmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…It would only operate as intended if the network had a convolutional layer. Effective convolution kernels only interact with neighboring picture components [21]. The purpose of the pooling layer, which comes after the convolution layer, is to lower the feature map's resolution without reducing its depth.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The current path planning algorithms mainly include the colony algorithms (Liu et al, 2019;Ye et al, 2020;Zhang et al, 2020;Zhu et al, 2020), PSO (Krell et al, 2019;Wang Y. B. et al, 2019;Liu X. H. et al, 2021;Song et al, 2021), A * algorithms (Xiong et al, 2020;Tang et al, 2021;Tullu et al, 2021), artificial potential field methods Azmi and Ito, 2020;Song et al, 2020;Yao et al, 2020), genetic algorithms (Hao et al, 2020;Li K. R. et al, 2021;Wen et al, 2021), fuzzy control algorithms (Guo et al, 2020;Zhi and Jiang, 2020), fast marching algorithms (Sun et al, 2021;Wang et al, 2021;Xu et al, 2021), and deep reinforcement learning algorithms (Li L. Y. et al, 2021;Lin et al, 2021;Xie et al, 2021). PSO is an evolutionary computation algorithm that can be used to find the optimal solution through collaboration and information sharing between individuals in the group, as in path planning, the optimal solution is to find the shortest path.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%