Background: This paper aims to explore the attitudes and opinions of a group of Polish young gynecologists toward pregnancy termination. Method: An anonymous questionnaire was completed by physicians who participated in obligatory trainee courses held in 2019 in Warsaw. Results: The study group included 71 physicians with an average age of 29 years (SD 3.05). A considerable number of the physicians accepted terminations for medical reasons up to the end of pregnancy, especially in cases of lethal defects (46%) and a serious disease in the mother (34%). Only 6% of the group of gynecologists not performing terminations claimed that the procedure was contrary to their conscience, and 62% of them stated that such procedures were not performed at their hospital. Terminations would be performed by 90% of the respondents in cases of lethal defects of the fetus and by 80% if severe irreversible fetal defects were diagnosed. Conclusions: The main problem associated with the inaccessibility of pregnancy termination in Poland is not linked to individuals, meaning medical personnel and the possibility of invoking the conscience clause, but probably to the lack of approval for terminations granted by hospital supervisors. Adequate knowledge on pregnancy termination procedures, fetal defects, and diseases in the mother translated into the changes of opinions on pregnancy terminations.