Regarding the aforementioned article, we were alerted by readers of the journal that significant portions of the article's text overlapped with portions of previously published works. The ASHA Journals Board, via deliberations of a research and publication ethics subcommittee, then conducted analyses of the work against the published literature. Their conclusion was that the unacceptably high level of text overlap and insufficient level of citation and attribution of sources constituted plagiarism. Consequently, an Expression of Concern was published on December 18, 2020, to inform readers of the situation and to note that the intent was to retract the article. The author has agreed to the retraction and would like to express her sincere regret for the lack of proper citation and attribution. She also wishes to convey her apologies to the authors whose original contributions were misappropriated, and to the readers of Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups for any inconvenience caused by the publication and retraction of this article.