Overshooting convection can significantly impact the chemical and radiative properties of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere through the transport of various chemical species. These impacts include enhancements of water vapor and ozone‐depleting halocarbons, which both have important consequences for climate change. Therefore, accurate prediction of the Earth's climate system requires convective overshooting to be included. To better understand how convective transport is represented in current state‐of‐the‐art models, approximately 75,000 individual updrafts in the central and eastern United States are analyzed from High‐Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) simulations and NEXRAD radar observations during May and July 2021. Distributions of echo top potential temperatures and heights, as well as diurnal cycles of overshooting frequency, are compared to observations. These distributions show mean, median, and maximum echo tops 2–3 km lower than observations, both in absolute and tropopause‐relative space, with evidence of updrafts losing momentum too rapidly above the tropopause. Diurnal cycles show accurate times of maximum and minimum overshooting, but significant errors at model initialization and evidence that some simulated overshoots continue too late into the overnight hours. Despite these deficiencies, distributions of simulated levels of maximum detrainment show decent agreement with observations. All results, including the severe underprediction of echo top heights, persist at shorter forecast lead times. This indicates a need to improve representation of overshooting storms in weather and climate models, even those that are convection‐permitting, or introduce a transport parameterization.