Most commercial online retrieval systems are not designed to service end users and, therefore, have often built "front-ends" to their systems specifically to serve the end-user market. These front-ends have not been well accepted, mostly because the underlying systems are still difficult for end users to use successfully in searching. New techniques, based on statistical methods, that allow natural language input and return lists of records in order of likely relevance, have long been available from research laboratories.This article presents four prototype implementations of these statistical retrieval systems that demonstrate their potential as powerful and easily used retrieval systems able to service all users.In an article entitled "In search of the elusive end user" (Summit, 1989), Roger Summit, founder, and president of Dialog Information Services, Inc., estimated that the current usage of DIALOG by end users was about 12% of overall usage, and that that number was growing only at about 20% a year. He mentioned many problems encountered by end users, and described some of the necessary features of user-friendly front-ends. In a subsequent letter to the editor (Cleverdon, 1990), Cyril Cleverdon, however, commented:I do not argue with the points he raises, but I find it astonishing that he makes no mention of the problem which far outweighs all others. I refer to the insistence on Boolean searching.A look at most user-friendly front-ends shows many important features, such as easy dialup and logins, easy file management, and help in selecting databases. All these are clearly necessary and useful, but at the heart of these retrieval systems is a Boolean search engine requiring users to supply AND's and OR's (either directly or indirectly using graphic interfaces), and, more critically, returning an unranked list of document or record titles. At least one study (Miller, Kirby, & Templeton, 1988) found that 45% of search statements issued using a front-end to MEDLINE documents. Equally problematic are searches that are so broad that a very large number of documents are returned; with no ranking, the perusal of this list is intimidating to many users. In addition to the problem of submitting adequate initial queries, there is the problem of improving these queries. Boolean systems seldom have any mechanism for aiding the user in producing a better query, and never have any mechanism for automatically improving that query. A viable alternative to these Boolean retrieval engines are the statistical retrieval engines that take a natural language query and return a list of titles ranked in order of likely relevance to that query.These systems have been developed over the past 30 years in various information retrieval research laboratories, but have had very little influence on commercial online systems. Several operational prototypes (or small operational systems) have been built, particularly recently, to demonstrate the strengths of these statistical retrieval engines, and several small companies are beginning to ...