Terahertz spectroscopic and imaging systems when combined with computational pattern recognition and related multivariate statistical tools potentially provide a fast and non-invasive way to detect and diagnose diseases on the surface of the skin such as cancer.With the advent of new technologies that are both noninvasive and rapid, comprehensive screening and diagnosis for common diseases are likely to become routine in the future. Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy and imaging are one such technology. THz is radiation in the range 3 × 10 11 Hz (submillimeter end) to 3 × 10 12 Hz (far-infrared end) and can penetrate a wide variety of non-conducting materials. As it is non-ionizing and, is able to penetrate several milimeters of living tissue and reflect back, it is a potentially useful modality for investigating diseases on the surface of the skin such as skin cancer. Further, unlike visual inspection, THz images contain spectral information on both amplitude and phase in each image pixel. By linking spectral with spatial information, THz images provide a more detailed spatial representation of the bio-molecular content in a sample than a conventional image, taken either visually or with X-rays. The difficulties with using THz as a diagnostic tool lie not so much in obtaining spectroscopic data and images but in how to obtain useful information from them. One looks for changes in the THz pulse that are caused by the sample. However these can be difficult to distinguish from those caused by long term fluctuations in the driving laser source. Apart from this little is known about the interaction of THz with tissue at the molecular level. THz can produce images of samples which are opaque in the visible and near-infrared regions of the spectrum often, showing increased contrast which allows for visual identification of a sample. It has been shown that THz images can be used to differentiate between normal and cancerous tissue [1][2][3] . Studies using PET and MRI 4 have shown that tumours have increased water content. As water has some prominent resonances in the THz band, imaging in this region is very sensitive to water concentration and increased image contrast has been observed in THz