Climate change is an important control of carbon cycling, particularly in the Arctic. Permafrost degradation through deeper thaw and physical disturbances result in the release of carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere and to an increase in riverine dissolved organic matter (DOM) fluxes. Whereas riverine DOM fluxes of the large Arctic rivers are well assessed, 15knowledge is limited with regard to small catchments that cover more than 40 % of the Arctic drainage basin. Here, we use absorption measurements to characterize changes in DOM quantity and quality in a Low Arctic (Herschel Island, Yukon, Canada) and a High Arctic (Cape Bounty, Melville Island, Nunavut, Canada) setting with regard to geographical differences, impacts of permafrost degradation and rainfall events. We find that DOM quantity and quality is controlled by differences in vegetation cover and soil organic carbon content. The Low Arctic site has higher SOCC and greater abundance of plant material 20 introducing higher lignin concentrations into the aquatic system and resulting in a stronger color of DOM than in the High Arctic. There is a strong relationship between dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and absorption characteristics (cDOM) for surface waters at both sites similar to the one for the great Arctic rivers. We used the optical characteristics of DOM such as cDOM absorption, Specific UltraViolet Absorbance SUVA, UltraViolet UV Slope, Slope Ratio for assessing quality changes downstream, at baseflow and stormflow conditions and in relation to permafrost disturbance. DOM in streams 25 at both sites demonstrated optical signatures indicative of photodegradation downstream processes, even over short distances of 2000 m. It was determined that flow pathways and the connected hydrological residence time control DOM quality. Deeper flow pathways allow the export of permafrost-derived DOM, whereas shallow pathways with shorter residence times lead to the export of fresh near-surface derived DOM. Compared to the large Arctic rivers, DOM quality exported from the small catchments studied here is much fresher and therefore prone to degradation. This work shows that optical properties of DOM 30 will be a useful tool for understanding DOM sources and quality at a pan-Arctic scale.Biogeosciences Discuss., https://doi.for their help in the instrumentation set up, data collection in the field and laboratory analyses. We acknowledge Saskia Foerster and Sabine Chabrillat (GFZ Potsdam) for providing access to the laboratory spectrometer. A special thanks to for their support and helpful insights in the field. Many thanks also to the CBAWO 2017 field team. 15