Aim: Describe a patient with multiple recurrences of the primary recurrent liposarcoma. Clinical case: A 60-years-old man complained of weight loss (BMI 18.4) with a palpable huge retroperitoneal tumour, which displaced left kidney, and was confi rmed on USG and CT. Laboratory examination showed anaemia and pathological blood tests. Chest X-ray initially showed a negative fi nding. A complete transperitonealy surgical extirpation of the tumour with left side nephrectomy was performed on June 28, 2007. The tumour mass weight was 1900 g. It was lying on the posterior face of the kidney in diameters 170x120x120 mm, completely capsulated by thin grey-pink capsula with peripheral fat tissue on the section grey-pink, lobulary shaped, in ¾ parts with central necrotic changes. Histopathologically was confi rmed the primary dedifferentiated (non-lipogenous) liposarcoma low grade of malignancy. Nephrectomy specimen was confi rmed as age related fi nding. There was no evidence of positives surgical margins. Despite oncological and surgical treatment, followed repeated recurrence with eight transperitoneal surgeries in the retroperitoneum and abdomen with extirpation of the metastases, left side hemicolectomy, splenectomy and repeated extirpation tumour metastases from abdomen and radix mesenterii. Last tumour weighed 2900 grams. Patient died on January 9, 2011, after the eight surgeries on multiorgans failure due to hemorrhagic shock and persistent atrial fi brilaton by cardiopulmonary insuffi ciency. As a speciality, he was treated without transfusion because as Jehovah´s witness he refused blood derivates. Conclusion: Despite complex surgical and oncological treatment, the prognosis in patient with recurrent liposarcoma was fatal (Tab. 1, Fig. 5, Ref. 50).