Transabdominal ultrasonography was done in patients with gynecologic malignancies to detect paraaortic and pelvic lymphadenopathy. Of the 78 patients who underwent ultrasonic examination of pelvic lymph nodes, pelvic lymphadenopathy was detected in 24, of whom ultrasound‐guided percutaneous fine‐needle aspiration biopsies (FNAB) were done in 16. Of these 16 patients, the results of 13 biopsies were positive. Of the 41 patients who underwent ultrasonographic examination of the paraaortic lymph nodes, 27 had paraaortic lymphadenopathy. Ultrasound‐guided percutaneous FNAB were done in 26 of these 27 patients, with positive findings in 21 of the 26. It was concluded that ultrasoundguided percutaneous FNAB is useful in detecting metastatic lymph nodes in gynecologic malignancies. Cancer 68:2571–2574, 1991.