To determine long‐term outcome of phacoemulsification in raptors at the University of Tennessee Veterinary Medical Center.
Animals Studied
Seven nonreleasable diurnal raptors including, four bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), two red‐tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), and one peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) that had undergone phacoemulsification. All birds showed behavioral changes attributable to visual deficits prior to surgery.
All birds underwent phacoemulsification for cataracts. Four underwent bilateral phacoemulsification, and three had unilateral surgery. Due to a low sample size, statistics were not done.
Six raptors (nine eyes) had long‐term follow‐up (median 75 months, range 28 to 105 months). Seven of these eyes (78%) were visual at last examination. Of those visual eyes, two developed mild to moderate posterior synechiae, four had mild to moderate capsular opacities, and one developed a lipid keratopathy. The remaining two eyes with long‐term follow‐up were from the same red‐tailed hawk. Both eyes developed fibropupillary membranes that were blinding. One eye was pseudophakic, and the other was aphakic and also developed a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Another bald eagle was euthanized two months after surgery due to refractory glaucoma; one eye was pseudophakic.
Phacoemulsification is a viable treatment for captive raptors with cataracts. The most severe complications occurred relatively soon after surgery. Captive raptors appear to adapt well to aphakia.