On the basis of the analysis and modelling of the return on assets of regional organizations and the profitability of the goods, products, works and services sold by them the author of the article has developed a new methodological approach to interregional industrial interaction of oil and gas regions. The predominating production factors of oil and gas regions including the volume of the shipped own products, works and services completed on their own, and indexes of industrial production by the type of economic activity (“Mining” and “Manufacturing”) are chosen as the relevant parameters of the study. The structure of the volume of the shipped products (works, services) by type of economic activity “Mining” is represented by coal mining, oil and natural gas extraction, metal ore extraction, mining of other minerals and by providing corresponding services. As for the shipped goods and products, as well as works and services within the “Manufacturing” segment, the author chose coke and petroleum products; rubber and plastic products, chemicals and products, medicines and materials, other non-metallic mineral products, machinery and equipment, vehicles. A comprehensive clustering of oil and gas regions has been carried out according to the profitability of the assets of organizations, as well as the profitability of products, goods, works and services of the types of economic activity “Mining” and “Manufacturing”. As a result, the variants of industrial interregional integration formed may serve as the solution of the problem of low return on assets (and even negative in the case of the Orenburg region and the Samara region) due to the synergistic effects of reducing capital intensity and increasing the net financial result of the manufacturing organizations. It has been stated that the main direction for improving state programs in the management of innovative industrial development of oil and gas regions is indicative stimulation of return on assets of the manufacturing organizations.