combined tunable vacuum-ultraviolet time-resolved photoelectron
spectroscopy (VUV-TRPES) with high-level quantum dynamics simulations
to disentangle multistate Rydberg-valence dynamics in acetone. A femtosecond
8.09 eV pump pulse was tuned to the sharp origin of the A1(n3d
) band. The ensuing dynamics were
tracked with a femtosecond 6.18 eV probe pulse, permitting TRPES of
multiple excited Rydberg and valence states. Quantum dynamics simulations
reveal coherent multistate Rydberg-valence dynamics, precluding simple
kinetic modeling of the TRPES spectrum. Unambiguous assignment of
all involved Rydberg states was enabled via the simulation of their
photoelectron spectra. The A1(ππ*) state, although strongly participating, is likely undetectable
with probe photon energies ≤8 eV and a key intermediate, the
A2(nπ*) state, is detected here for the first time.
Our dynamics modeling rationalizes the temporal behavior of all photoelectron
transients, allowing us to propose a mechanism for VUV-excited dynamics
in acetone which confers a key role to the A2(nπ*)