IntroductionLate reflections degrade speech intelligibility [1], whereas early reflections often help speech intelligibility, and this is called the Haas effect (e.g., [2]). It has been reported that the main cause of degradation in speech intelligibility in reverberant environments is overlap-masking [3][4][5]. Because of overlap-masking, reverberant components of prior speech segments mask successive segments. As a result, speech segments following reverberating segments are more difficult to understand. As the energy of the prior segments increases, the effect of overlap-masking also increases. This is particularly important when the preceding segment is a vowel, which has more power, and the subsequent segment is a consonant, which has less power [6,7].A number of researches have proposed and discussed how the intelligibility of speech in reverberation can be estimated from an impulse response of a room. Reverberation time, such as T 60 , is a simple objective parameter for estimating reverberation [8]. Speech intelligibility usually decreases as T 60 becomes longer, but different rooms having the same T 60 might yield different degrees of speech intelligibility. One example is the case where T 60 is the same in different rooms, but the energy ratios of the direct-to-reverberated sounds are different. The Deutlichkeit value, such as D 50 [9,10] and Clarity, such as C 50 [9,11], take this direct-to-reverberation ratio into account. The speech transmission index (STI) is another parameter that is widely used to measure speech intelligibility objectively [12,13]. STI is based on the fact that the modulation transfer function depends on reverberation [14].The intelligibility of speech also depends on the speech signal itself. To reduce overlap-masking, Arai et al. [6,7] proposed ''steady-state suppression'' as a preprocess for speech signals in reverberant environments. Strange et al. [15] showed that the information in steady-state portions of a speech signal was relatively insignificant compared with the information in transient portions. Additionally, steady-state portions usually have more energy compared with transient portions. In the ''steady-state suppression'' technique, overlapmasking is reduced by estimating and suppressing steady-state