reversed baseline conditional discriminations after the emergence of equivalence classes. College students' performance was consistent with the reversed baselines in subsequent symmetry tests, but was consistent with pre reversal baselines in transitivity tests. The present study replicated systematically Pilgrim and Galizio's experiment. Following the emergence of two four-members equivalence classes, 9 college students were exposed to reversal of a baseline conditional discrimination, training of a new conditional discrimination , reversal of another baseline conditional discrimination, and return to the original baseline. Both symmetry and transitivity performances were consistent with the reversed baselines for most participants. These results may be due to increased strength of the reversed baselines, trained with continuous reinforcement and reviewed before probes, whereas Pilgrim and Galizio trained reversals with intermittent reinforcement in the context of probing. The use of different stimuli and stimulus display may have also affected the results.When humans learn conditional relations through a matching-tosample procedure, they often show also emergent relations. Thus, if participants learn a relation AB (selecting comparison stimuli B1, B2, .. . , Bn, conditionally upon samples A 1, A2 , ... or An , respectively), this relation is usually shown to have the property of symmetry: The relation