Effective and safe insulin gene therapy will require regulation of transgenic insulin secretion. We have created a livertargeted insulin transgene by engineering glucose responsive elements into a hepatic promoter containing an inhibitory insulin response sequence. In this work, we demonstrate application of this transgene for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in vivo, by administering a recombinant adenovirus vector, Ad/(GlRE) 3 BP-1 2xfur, to rats made diabetic with streptozotocin. We verified hepatic expression of transgenic insulin by RT-PCR, and confirmed glucose responsive stimulation of transgenic insulin secretion in vivo by serum RIA. Following a portal system injection of either Ad/(GlRE) 3 BP-1 2xfur, or an empty adenoviral vector, animals made diabetic with either low (120 mg/kg), or high (290 mg/kg) dose streptozotocin (STZ) were monitored for changes in body weight, and blood glucose. Without subcutaneous insulin injections, blood glucose values of sham-