Stretch activation is important in the mechanical properties of vertebrate cardiac muscle and essential to the flight muscles of most insects. Despite decades of investigation, the underlying molecular mechanism of stretch activation is unknown. We investigated the role of recently observed connections between myosin and troponin, called "troponin bridges," by analyzing real-time X-ray diffraction "movies" from sinusoidally stretch-activated Lethocerus muscles. Observed changes in X-ray reflections arising from myosin heads, actin filaments, troponin, and tropomyosin were consistent with the hypothesis that troponin bridges are the key agent of mechanical signal transduction. The time-resolved sequence of molecular changes suggests a mechanism for stretch activation, in which troponin bridges mechanically tug tropomyosin aside to relieve tropomyosin's steric blocking of myosin-actin binding. This enables subsequent force production, with crossbridge targeting further enhanced by stretch-induced lattice compression and thick-filament twisting. Similar linkages may operate in other muscle systems, such as mammalian cardiac muscle, where stretch activation is thought to aid in cardiac ejection.S tretch activation is a striking example of mechanical signal transduction, in which stretching a partially activated muscle yields, after a delay, greater activation. It is observed to varying degrees in all striated muscles, is prominent in vertebrate cardiac muscle where it may underlie the Frank-Starling relationship (1), and is essential to flight in multiple orders of insects, which together comprise ∼75% of insect species (2) and fully half of all animal taxa (3). Since stretch activation was first reported by Pringle (4), a great deal has been learned about how muscular contraction is driven by cyclic myosin-actin interactions (5) which, in vertebrate skeletal muscles, are controlled by calcium's effect on the steric blocking action of troponin-tropomyosin (6). However, even atomic resolution models of myosin-actin (7) and the troponin complex (8, 9) fail to shed any light on the mechanism of activation by stretch. The central question of stretch activation remains: How does mechanical stress convert to myosinactin activation while the requisite [Ca 2þ ] stays constant?Recently we observed cross-bridges between thick (mainly myosin) filaments and thin (mainly actin-troponin-tropomyosin) filaments at the level of the troponin (10). These myosin-troponin connections, referred to here simply as troponin bridges, comprised about 15% of all cross-bridges identified in an insect flight muscle (IFM) quick frozen during an isometric contraction. Troponin bridges represent a newly recognized class of crossbridges, distinct from the "traditional" force-generating myosin cross-bridges that bind to actin target zones halfway between troponins in IFM (10, 11). The direct observation of troponin bridges revived a previously speculative mechanism for stretch activation (12), in which troponin bridges serve as the agent of mechanica...