Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) patients show transient ventricular dysfunction without coronary artery stenosis. We report a pregnant woman with TTS occurring concomitantly with severe pre‐eclampsia (PE). A primiparous woman complained of dyspnea at 35 weeks of gestation. She showed severe PE, and cardiac ultrasound identified akinesis of the anterior lower wall. On the same day, emergent cesarean section was performed due to a nonreassuring fetus status, yielding a male infant with an umbilical artery pH of 6.851. Unfortunately, the neonate died of multiple organ failure. Following the delivery, her cardiac function markedly improved, and coronary angiography showed no coronary artery stenosis. Considering the clinical findings, we diagnosed the patient with TTS. Regarding antenatally occurring TTS, only six patients have been reported including the present one. Of the six patients, three had severe PE. Although previous reports on pregnancy‐associated TTS described good maternal outcomes, antenatally occurring TTS complicated by severe PE may become critical for fetuses.