Reverse Logistics has been stretching out worldwide, involving all the layers of supply chains in various industry sectors. While some actors in the chain have been forced to take products back, others have pro-actively done so, attracted by the value in used products One way or the other, Reverse Logistics has become a key competence in modern supply chains. In this paper, we present a content analysis of reverse logistics issues.
Rommert DekkerErasmus University Rotterdam,
Version April-2003Abstract Reverse Logistics has been stretching out worldwide, involving all the layers of supply chains in various industry sectors. While some actors in the chain have been forced to take products back, others have pro-actively done so, attracted by the value in used products. One way or the other, Reverse Logistics has become a key competence in modern supply chains. In this paper, we present a content analysis of reverse logistics issues. To do so, we propose a content framework focusing on the following questions with respect to reverse logistics: why? what? how ?; and, who?, i.e. driving forces and return reasons, what type of products are streaming back, how are they being recovered, and who is executing and managing the various operations. These four basic characteristics are interrelated and their combination determines to a large extent the type of issues arising from the resulting reverse logistics system.