Rtl!ersible tardive dyskinesia (TO) outcomes have been rrported in long-term neuroleptic (NL)-treated patients. I" this study the course of TO outcomes was followed-up F 3 years in a population of 125 institutionalized schizophrenic patients (mean age 57.8 years) receiving continuous NL treatment. Tardive dyskinesia occurrence I1Ui severity were assessed by means of the Rockland Simpson Scale (RSS). The prevalence of TO rose from 39.2% at the first examination to 52.8% at last follow-up aamination; however, 28.6% of TO-affected patients rtCOVered and 30% improved. Significant risk factors for a persistent TO outcome result included age over 56 years, duration of illness over 30 years, and a total RSS score over 22. Cumulative NL exposure, over 3550 g of chloropromazine equivalents, was also a significant risk factor for TO. Results from this study confirm that there is the possibility of improvement and remission in an aged, long-term institutionalized population of TO patients. In this report we point out prognostic factors for positive outcome. INeuropsychopharmacology