(E-A) spectra of methylammonium lead triiodide
(MAPbI3) are found to depend on the power density of the
illumination light (IL-D) in both tetragonal and orthorhombic phases
when the modulation frequency (M-F) of the applied electric field
) is low. As IL-D increased, the E-A
intensity decreased and the shape of the E-A spectra altered from
that similar to the second derivative of the exciton absorption band
having a Gaussian profile to the one similar to the first derivative,
when the M-F of
is low. When the M-F
is high, E-A spectra were independent
of the power density of illumination. Orientational polarization of
excitons is considered to be induced by
having a low M-F with strong photoirradiation, following ion migration
of MA+ and I– along the applied field
direction enhanced by photoirradiation.