ABSTRACT:Reversing-pulse electric birefringence (RPEB) of poly(y-benzyl L-glutamate), [Glu(OBzl)]., with a weight-average molecular weight of 1.71 x 10 5 was measured at 20°C and at 535 nm in helix-forming organic solvents in the low field strength region (0---5 kV cm -1 ), with an emphasis on the transient signal. The theoretical formalism was given for detecting the effect of an applied electric pulse field on reversible change in the electric and hydrodynamic properties of [Glu(OBzl)]" from the normalized signal profiles, areas, and initial slopes of an RPEB signal. A standard experimental procedure was given for unraveling the field-induced change of the electric and hydrodynamic parameters, by utilizing the areas of buildup (Ae), reverse (AR), and decay (AD) processes at the limiting low field. The area ratio, Ae/[(l/2)AR +ADJ= 1, should hold regardless of the degree of polydispersity of a sample, if no direct field effect on polymer conformation is present. The ratio was found to be 0.95 in cyclohexanone, 0.93 in 2~chloroethanol, 0.81 in pyridine, and 0.74---0.81 in chloroform, all being less than unity. Thus, the electric moments and/or the chain length of the [Glu(OBzl)Jn helix were verified to change reversibly to varying extent during the electric field orientation.
KEY WORDSReversing-Pulse Electric Birefringence / Poly(y-benzyl Lglutamate) / Field Effect/ Electro-Hydrodynamic Property/ Area Method/ With the aim of perfecting the reversingpulse electric birefringence (RPEB) method and applying it to macromolecules in solution to elucidate the electric, optical and hydrodynamic properties, the RPEB study has been carried out in our laboratory on many biopolymers and related polyelectrolytes. 1 -16 A major problem associated with these systems is polydispersity regarding the molecular weight and chain length. This problem is almost always encountered with natural macromolecules of biological interest, which are prepared by extraction from living organisms, and also with the synthetic polymers, which are prepared by in vitro polymerization. Thus, the polydispersity effect must be taken into account for quantitative analysis of the electric birefringence signal. 1 7 Yoshioka and his coworkers were the first who seriously considered this effect in the analysis of the single square-wave pulse electric birefringence (SPEB) data of poly(o:-L-glutamic acid). 18 -21 The RPEB method is usually superior to the conventional SPEB method in that the transient signal at low fields can yield sufficient infonnation on the polydispersity effect and the electric and hydrodynamic properties of the rodlike or helical polymers. 1 7 * To whom correspondence should be addressed. Another major problem associated with an orienting electric pulse field is the direct field effect on the polymer conformation, which may change concurrently with molecular orientation. This field effect has seldom been studied mostly because of the difficulty involved in detecting such field-induced conformational changes for polydisperse samples....