Few products, which today seem so
marginal, had capital importance for
national well-being and the country's
economy like plums. Bosnia and
Herzegovina had particularly favorable
climatic and pedological features for
plum cultivation. These natural bene-
fits and the multiple possibility of
exploitation have enabled the plum to
take a dominant place among Bosnian
fruits. Its economic importance did not
go unnoticed by the Ottoman and later
Austro-Hungarian authorities, who paid
special attention to it. Therefore, it
should not be surprising that in the
observed period the plum was a kind of
national treasure, and plum growing
was the most developed branch of fruit
growing. The Austro-Hungarian occu-
pation authorities especially improved
the method of processing and the sale
of plums and contributed to its beco-
ming an important economic branch.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ottoman
Empire, Austria-Hungary, Posavina,
Brčko, plum, prune, jam, trade