A generic method, called normal fusion, for integrated three-dimensional (3D) visualization of functional data with surfaces extracted from anatomical image data is described. The first part of the normal fusion method derives quantitative values from functional input data by sampling the latter along a path determined by the (inward) normal of a surface extracted from anatomical data; the functional information is thereby projected onto the anatomical surface independently of the viewpoint. Fusion of the anatomical and functional information is then performed with a color-encoding scheme based on the HSV model. This model is preferred over the RGB model to allow easy, rapid, and intuitive retrospective manipulation of the color encoding of the functional information in the integrated display, and two possible strategies for this manipulation are explained. The results first show several clinical examples that are used to demonstrate the viability of the normal fusion method. These same examples are then used to evaluate the two HSV color manipulation strategies. Furthermore, five nuclear medicine physicians used several other clinical cases to evaluate the overall approach for manipulation of the color encoded functional contribution to an integrated 3D visualization. The integrated display using the normal fusion technique combined with the added functionality provided by the retrospective color manipulation was highly appreciated by the clinicians and can be considered an important asset in the investigation of data from multiple modalities.