An in vitro injury model was used to examine the electrophysiological changes that accompany reactive gliosis. Mechanical scarring of confluent spinal cord astrocytes led to a threefold increase in the proliferation of scar-associated astrocytes, as judged by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labeling. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings demonstrated that current profiles differed absolutely between nonproliferating (BrdU Ϫ ) and proliferating (BrdU ϩ ) astrocytes. The predominant current type expressed in BrdU Ϫ cells was an inwardly rectifying K ϩ current (K IR ; 1.3 pS/pF). BrdU Ϫ cells also expressed transient outward K ϩ currents, accounting for less than one-third of total K ϩ conductance (G). In contrast, proliferating BrdU ϩ astrocytes exhibited a dramatic, approximately threefold reduction in K IR (0.45 pS/pF) but showed a twofold increase in the conductance of both transient (K A ) (0.67-1.32 pS/pF) and sustained (K D ) (0.42-1.10 pS/pF) outwardly rectifying K ϩ currents, with a G KIR : G KD ratio of 0.4. Relative expression of G KIR :G KD led to more negative resting potentials in nonproliferating (Ϫ60 mV) versus proliferating astrocytes (Ϫ53 mV; p ϭ 0.015). Although 45% of the nonproliferating astrocytes expressed Na ϩ currents (0.47 pS/pF), the majority of proliferating cells expressed prominent Na ϩ currents (0.94 pS/pF). Injury-induced electrophysiological changes are rapid and transient, appearing within 4 hr postinjury and, with the exception of K IR , returning to control conductances within 24 hr. These differences between proliferating and nonproliferating astrocytes are reminiscent of electrophysiological changes observed during gliogenesis, suggesting that astrocytes undergoing secondary, injury-induced proliferation recapitulate the properties of immature glial cells. The switch in predominance from K IR to K D appears to be essential for proliferation and scar repair, because both processes were inhibited by blockade of K D .