We present a catalogue with coordinates and photometric data of 2446 Be star candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), based on a search of the OGLE II data base. The I‐band light curves of these stars show outbursts in 24 per cent of the sample (Type‐1 stars), high and low states in 10 per cent, periodic variations in 6 per cent (Type‐3 stars), and stochastic variations in 60 per cent of the cases. We report on the result of the statistical study of light curves of Type‐1 and Type‐3 stars in the LMC, and the comparison with the previously reported results of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) sample. We find a statistically significant difference between amplitude, duration and asymmetry distributions of outbursts in both galaxies. Outbursts of SMC Type‐1 stars are usually brighter, longer and with a slower decline. We find a bimodal distribution of periods of Type‐3 stars in both galaxies, probably related to the recently discovered double periodic blue variables. We find also period and amplitude distributions of Type‐3 LMC stars statistically different from those of the SMC stars. Our findings above suggest that the mechanisms causing the observed photometric variability of Type‐1 and Type‐3 stars could depend on metallicity. Moreover, they suggest that the outbursts are not primarily caused by stellar winds.