Al though the idea that ag gres sion has bi o log i cal com po nents is not a new one, re cent re s earch in ge net ics, neuropsychopharmacology, and neuroimaging has helped clar ify the bi o log i cal con tri bu tions to ag gres sion. Studies to date have fo cused on serotonergic func tion and im pul sive ag gres sion. Re duced lev els of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) are as so ci ated with im pul sive ag gres sion. Pharmacochallenge stud ies have foun d de creased serotonergic re sponsive ness as so ci ated with im pul sive ag gres sion. Neuroimaging stud ies sug gest a role for the prefrontal cor tex, along with other regions of the brain, in the ex pres sion of ag gres sion. Se ro to nin is not the only as pect of brain func tion im pli cated in im pul sive ag gres sion, and fur ther work is be ing done on other neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. T he no tion that the ex pres sion of ag gres sion may be related to brain func tion is not a new one. From the Hel lenic civ i li za tion co mes the Ho meric tale about the fam ily of Orestes and Ag a mem non, who car ried on their fore fa thers' ten den cies to ward crime and mur der. From their an ces tor, who at tempted to de ceive the gods, "the curse de scended . . . in the form of what the Greeks called ate, a strong if not ac tually ir re sist ible im pulse to crime" (1). While this tale may not have been spe cif i cally about our cur rent con cept of ge netic heritability or the pas sage of a bi o log i cal pre dis po si tion to aggres sion, it may have spo ken to the story of a fam ily seemingly des tined to suf fer the ef fects of vi o lence from gen er a tion to gen er a tion.De fining the re la tion be tween the brain and vi o lent ag gressive ness has been a chal lenge, given the lim i ta tions of sci ence in com par i son with the com plex ity of hu man be hav iour. The phre no log i cal con no ta tions of early case stud ies such as that of Phineas Gage, the ques tion able va lid ity of early psychosurgical stud ies, and ques tions about eth i cal re search con trib uted to early skep ti cism about the va lid ity of the as soci a tions made be tween brain ab nor mal i ties and ag gres sive be hav iour, as well as to an ap pre hen sion of the pos si ble so cial con se quences of hasty sci en tific con clu sions. Res er va tions con tinue: As stated in a re cent crit i cal re view, "Ten ta tive find ings cau tiously re ported in the tech ni cal lit er a ture are often over sim pli fied in the clin i cal sci en tific or lay me dia and in com mu ni ca tions with gov ern men tal pol icy-makers" (2). Con cerns like this have led to im por tant and ap pro pri ate changes in the way ex per i men tal stud ies have been car ried out in an i mal and hu man sub jects, as well as an in creased aware ness of the need to study ag gres sion and crim i nal ity in con text by in te grat ing bi o log i cal stud ies with other sci en tific dis ci plines.This pa per pro vides a re view and up date of bi o log i cal stud ies in ag gres si...