In recent decades, the expansion of arms development has initiated the need to increase the protection of people and vehicles from pistol and rifle ammunition. Modern ceramic and ceramic-based materials are lightweight and durable and provide a sufficient level of protection against the penetration and impact of ammunition, which can protect the vital organs of the person. Modern tendencies require the addition of armor to vehicles, which reduces the necessity of excessive bulk steel usage and eliminates large and heavy mass weight amounts. By replacing the armored steel with new ballistic materials, a higher level of ballistic protection could be achieved, as well as reduction of weight, which both allows better mobility and increases the ability of installment of additional battle fighting equipment. Modern ceramic materials used in the production of armor are made by sintering the ceramic powder under certain conditions in a suitable molding tool. The chapter will cover the short material requirements, and material responses to ballistic impact, production methods, and applications. Also, the chapter will include the usage of ceramic fibers, alumina, silicon and boron carbide, titanium diboride, and ballistic materials that consist of a ceramic face bonded to a reinforced plastic laminate or metallic backplate.