Introduction of technology has revolutionised the postgraduate medical education in the twenty-first century. 1 Technology is proving useful in attaining desired professional growth through easy access to learning resources, and effective utilisation of this information for the development of knowledge and skills. 2,3 Electronic databases such as electronic portfolios (e-portfolio) or electronic logbooks, are now rapidly replacing the traditional paper-based logbooks. 4 College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP) is the prime postgraduate medical institute of Pakistan. Traditionally, CPSP has used paper based logbooks which, although quite useful for training monitoring, had certain limitations. 5,6 To counter these deficiencies, CPSP introduced the electronic version of logbook, the e-logbook, in 2011. 7 The e-logbook of CPSP is in its 9 th year of induction. Earlier studies have shown e-logbook to be a valuable tool for training monitoring. 6,8 The success of an electronic logbook system depends on its ability to focus on students' satisfaction, flexible nature, ease of access to the learning material, costeffectiveness and strengthening of supervisorsupervisee relationship. 9,10 The question is, after nine years of induction, does the e-log system of CPSP fulfill these fundamental requirements? E-log system has undergone various modifications from time to time to make it a more useful tool. The impact of these changes still remains to be ascertained. This study was, therefore, designed with the aim to determine the feedback of supervisors regarding role of e-logbook in monitoring of training, strengthening supervisor-supervisee relationship, and improving