「 0 Generation ofthe high − frequency wave for intem】ediate − depth earthquakes in and around Hokkaido re臼on is estimated ffOm the source SpeCtr / d in the frequency rangO fivm 1 to IOHz The average stress drop A σ that is calculated ffom the high− frequemncy fiat level of acceleration source spoctra is ・ about 30MPa for the down −dip−ex [ ensien type earthqualces . while it is ahr 〕 ut 8MPa f( ) r the subduCtion type earthquakes . Vhriation of ri (た oflhe down {lip − ex1ension type ea 曲 quakes is meaningfUlly smaller than that of the sUbduCtion type earthquakes . As fi 〕 r the downdip − eXtensien 紅 ype earthquakes , Aσ of large earthquakes coincides Wi巳 h the upper level of 山 ose ofsmaH ea曲 quakes . 、 糠 りπ ts ' sttvng 〃vatim4 intemtedintedepth earthquakq high− V } equency , sotcrte sperm