Laburpena: Gizarte guztietan eta mendeetan zehar mantendu izan den edoskitzeak gizadiaren biziraupena ziurtatu du. Gaur egun ere, emakume gehienek haien seme-alabei haien ugatzek ekoiztutako ama-esnea eskaintzen jarraitzen dute. Umea titi aurrean jartzea bezain sinplea dirudien praktika hau, hala ere, amaren gorputzean ematen den mekanismo konplexu eta oso fin batek bermatua dago. Testu honetan edoskitzearen fisiologia aztertuko dugu: nola ekoizten da esnea amaren ugatzean? Zein osagai ditu? Zerk eragiten du esnea bularretik irtenaraztea? Garunak ba al du zeresanik prozesu horretan? Eta behin prozesu honen fisiologia eta erregulazio konplexua azalduta, iritzi-artikulu honetan ama-esne honen onurak defendatuko dira, norbere haurrarentzat egokiena den elikagaia dela argudiatuz, eta Osasunaren Mundu Erakundearen gomendioetan oinarrituz.Hitz gakoak: ama-esnea, edoskitzea, ugatzak, prolaktina, oxitozina, antigorputzak.Abstract: Breastfeeding has been maintained over the centuries in all societies and has ensured the survival of mankind. Even today, the majority of women continue to feed their children with their breast milk. This practice seems to be as simple as placing the child in front of the breast, however, it is guaranteed by a very complex and fine mechanism occurring in the mother's body. In this text we will first explain the physiology of breastfeeding: how is breast milk produced? What components does it have? What makes breast milk to come out? Does brain have a roll in this process? And next, the benefits of this breastfeeding will be defended, arguing maternal milk is the most suitable feeding for children, in accordance to World Health Organisation recommendations.