A B S T R A C T The myriad applicability of the frequency-domain critical plane criterion is outlined in order to evaluate and track the progression of fatigue damage in metallic structures subjected to high-cycle multiaxial random vibrations. The fatigue assessment using the given criterion is performed according to the following stages: (i) critical plane definition, (ii) power spectral density evaluation of an equivalent normal stress and (iii) computation of the damage precursor and fatigue life. The frequency-domain critical plane criterion is validated using experimental results related to (a) AISI 1095 steel cantilever beams under nonlinear base vibration, (b) 18G2A steel and (c) 10HNAP steel round specimens under random non-proportional combined flexural and torsional loads.Keywords damage precursor; frequency domain; high-cycle fatigue; multiaxial loading; random loading; vibration fatigue. Z ' = rotated frame Puvw = reference system related to the critical plane S eq (ω) = equivalent PSD function s xyz (t) = stress vector in PXYZT = time interval of observation T cal = fatigue life determined through calculations T exp = fatigue life through experiments α n = nth bandwidth parameter, with n = 1,2,3, … γ = rotation about the w axiŝ 1;2 and3 = rotation about the X ' axis λ n = nth spectral moment, with n = 1,2,3, … σ af = fatigue limit for fully reversed normal stress (R = À 1) σ 2 6';6' = variance of s 6 ' t ð Þ σ 2 6};6} = variance of s 6 } t ð Þ τ af = fatigue limit for fully reversed shear stress (R = À 1) ω = pulsation Correspondence: S. Vantadori.