The emergence of quantum computing poses a substantial risk to the security of block chain technology, requiring a transition to post-quantum cryptography (PQC) to protect the future integrity and security of block chain systems. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of integrating post-quantum digital signatures into block chain frameworks, aiming to mitigate quantum vulnerabilities while maintaining the reliability, scalability, and integrity of block chain applications. A comprehensive evaluation is conducted to assess the efficacy of post-quantum signature algorithms recommended by NIST in comparison to conventional cryptographic benchmarks like ECDSA. The evaluation primarily centers on the speed of transaction processing, network scalability, and the overall upgrade of security. The results indicate that enhancing block chain systems to counter quantum attacks is intricate. Nevertheless, it is a crucial measure in guaranteeing block chain applications’ enduring security and dependability amidst the ever-changing technical risks. The findings of our analysis indicate that the adoption of post-quantum signatures poses significant technical and operational challenges. However, it also offers opportunities to strengthen the resilience of block chain systems against quantum threats, drive advancements in secure digital transactions, and establish a new benchmark for cryptographic practices in the era of quantum computing. This study provides significant insights and ideas for developers and politicians interested in developing and administering secure, quantum-resistant block chain networks, contributing to the critical conversation on preparing block chain technology for a post-quantum future.