Objective: To measure adherence of renal transplant recipients to immunosuppressive drugs by using the Basel Assessment of Adherence with immunosuppressive medication Scale (BAASIS®) and to describe sociodemographic characteristics and clinical factors in relation to immunosuppressive drugs and creatinine levels. Methods: This retrospective, cross-sectional study was carried out from 2014 to 2015 in the post-transplantation ambulatory unit of the Kidney Hospital and Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). Results: Of the 181 participants, 53.6% were men; recipients ages ranged from 18 to 74 years. Systemic arterial hypertension was the initial diagnosis of chronic renal failure in 38.7% of recipients. About 95% reported that they never forgot to take several consecutive doses of the medicine, 58.6% of recipients reported total adherence to the immunosuppressive drugs, and 41.4% did not adhere to one or more of the four assessed situations. No signifi cant correlation was found between of creatinine levels and total score and by BAASIS® items. Conclusion: A high rate of patients not adherent to the immunosuppressive treatment was identifi ed (41.4%).There was no signifi cant correlation between creatinine level and receptor age at time of KTP, time after KTP, immunosuppressive separation time and total score and scores of individual BAASIS® items. This study showed that black, male recipients without a family support network, obese and autonomous are more likely not to adhere to immunosuppressive therapy. The evaluation of renal transplant recipient adhesion should be considered during all phases of the nursing process actions that make up the therapeutic plan after renal transplantation.
ResumoObjetivo: Mensurar a adesão aos medicamentos imunossupressores em receptores de transplante renal, utilizando a Basel Assessment of Adherence with Immunosuppressive Medication Scale -BAASIS ® e descrever as características sociodemográfi cas, os fatores clínicos em relação aos imunossupressores e os níveis de creatinina. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo, transversal, realizado no período de 2014 a 2015, no Ambulatório Pós-Transplante do Hospital do Rim (complexo hospitalar da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)). Resultados: Dos 181 participantes, 53,6% eram homens e a idade dos receptores variou de 18 a 74 anos. A Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica foi o diagnóstico inicial de Insufi ciência Renal Crônica em 38,7% dos receptores. Aproximadamente 95% dos receptores relataram que nunca se esqueceram de tomar o medicamento; 58,6% dos pacientes relataram ter aderido totalmente aos imunossupressores e 41,4% não aderiram a uma ou mais das quatro situações avaliadas pelos itens da BAASIS ® . Não foi encontrada correlação signifi cativa pelos itens da BAASIS ® entre os níveis de creatinina e o escore total. Conclusão: Foi identifi cado um alto índice de pacientes que não aderiram ao tratamento imunossupressor (41,4%). Não houve correlação signifi cativa entre o nível de creatinina e a idade do receptor no momento do TxR, bem c...